10 Essential Spiritual Awakening Books

Going through a spiritual awakening can leave you experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions, as you adjust to new ideas and emotions that can feel both exciting and overwhelming. Luckily, there are a huge range of books about spiritual awakening, which can help to support you on the journey you are embarking upon.

Read on to discover what you might experience during this time, and our recommendations for the best books about spiritual awakening.

A woman sits reading spiritual awakening books whilst drinking a cup of coffee.

What is a spiritual awakening?

A spiritual awakening is a shift in your awareness, and literally feels like waking up to your own life. It is a process of coming back to who you really are, as you peel away the layers of conditioning that have dictated who you thought you had to be. They can happen at any time, for no particular reason, or can be triggered by a life event or sudden change.

How do you know if you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening?

The awakening path will look different for everyone. You might go through a range of positive and negative feelings and emotions. Here are some of the most common symptoms that you might experience:

1. You’ve had a shift in perspective

All of a sudden, things may feel and look different to you. You begin to notice things that you didn’t before, or you may not feel the same pull towards something that you used to enjoy doing. As you awaken, you begin to connect more deeply with your values, and there may be parts of your life that no longer resonate as they once did.

2. You feel disconnected

You may have a sudden longing to spend more time alone. Going through a spiritual awakening can be a confusing time, and the life you once knew and enjoyed may seem far away.

3. You’re feeling drawn to spirituality

Becoming curious about what else is out there is a common sign that you are beginning your spiritual journey. As we awaken we often feel a pull towards finding more meaning in our life, and learning more about ourselves.

4. You’re becoming more compassionate

You begin to see that everyone is on their own path and has their own story to tell. As you find yourself deepening your own connection, you will develop a stronger sense of compassion for others.

5. You notice synchronicities

Whether it be repeating numbers or bumping into someone that you were thinking about, if you’re noticing more synchronicities in your life, this is a sure sign that your spiritual side is awakening.

Essential Reading: 10 Books on Spiritual Awakenings

There are many important spirituality books that help to guide and support people during times of spiritual growth.

When it comes to seeking out spiritual awakening books, free resources are available online such as free ebooks, blogs and other articles. But if you like the idea of grabbing a book, here are some of the best spiritual awakening books around:

1. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - Eckhart Tolle

One of the most highly regarded books on spiritual awakening, The Power of Now gives a comprehensive introduction to spirituality. Written by esteemed spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, its main focus is to guide people on a spiritual path towards their truest self. Tolle teaches the importance of approaching your personal growth with an open mind, and finding power in the present moment.

2. The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer

One of the best books about spiritual awakening, this highly rated book focuses on the power of meditation and mindfulness to help us achieve our highest potential. Perfect for anyone already on their spiritual journey, or those seeking spiritual awakening books for beginners, Singer shares how we can find freedom from the limits that stop us achieving true happiness.

3. The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler

The pursuit of happiness is something that has long been discussed by many spiritual authors. The Dalai Lama believes that happiness is our main purpose, so along with Howard Cutler, they explore exactly how to get there, whilst peacefully navigating life’s challenges.

4. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra

Another important spiritual book for beginners, Deepak Chopra shares the seven spiritual laws that we need to work with, to fulfil our potential. He says that by connecting with these natural laws that govern all of creation, we are able to experience a deeper level of success and happiness.

5. I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

A highly regarded collection of teachings from India, Maharaj shares his conversations with followers who were guided by him to understand themselves more deeply. His sole mission was to help those that were suffering to understand the power of simply being. A simple, heartwarming and thought-provoking read for the awakening journey.

6. Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing The Uncommon - Dr Joe Dispenza

A combination of science and ancient wisdom, reading this book will open your mind to our true potential as human beings. Dispenza draws on his many years of research to offer us a new perspective on the ways in which we can use these tools to transform our lives. He lays claim to this being the key to us moving past our limitations, accessing better health, and connecting to our spiritual essence.

7. The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabrielle Bernstin is another popular author of books for spiritual awakening. In this book, she shares her own story of learning to relinquish control and trust in the Universe. Her aim is to inspire and empower us to find our own connection to joy, and remember our power. Bernstein says that when we begin to understand that we are always supported by the Universe, we are able to let go of our fears and experience true freedom.

8. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

This classic self-discovery book has sold millions of copies worldwide. Published in 1988, its popularity across the globe has helped millions of people to take heed of its lessons, and transform their lives. Coelho tells us of the journey of a young shepherd who follows his dream to find treasure in Egypt. The story tells of the quest he endures and the lessons he learns along the way, which eventually unearth treasures he could never have imagined. This book is an essential read for anyone experiencing a spiritual awakening, and will help guide you in the power of following your heart and listening to your intuition.

9. The Power of Intention - Dr Wayne Dyer

Another prominent thought-leader in spirituality, Dr Wayne Dyer explores a different concept in this book when it comes to intention. He tells us that intention is a force in the Universe and that by harnessing its energy and power, we can work with it to co-create anything that we desire. This is a great read for anyone wanting to begin exploring the power of intention, and to understand how you can design your life, your way.

10. Light Is The New Black - Rebecca Campbell

Australian author and lightworker Rebecca Campbell offers this guidebook for those people who have awakened, and know they are here to shine their light brightly. Aimed specifically at women, it aims to point them towards their inner truth and power, so that they can embrace who they are, and connect with their soul calling. Campbell’s relatable read is a brilliant starter for anyone wanting to connect more deeply with their purpose, and express themselves authentically.

Key takeaway

When you’re called by spirituality to take a deeper look inside, and find more meaning in life, consider reaching for spiritual awakening books to help guide you through the process. As well as supporting you on your journey and helping you to understand what you are experiencing, they’ll also inspire you to feel more present, focused and at peace each day.


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