Receiving Spiritual Guidance

In life we are faced with many different challenges. We’ve become used to looking outside of ourselves for answers, believing that others’ wisdom is more powerful and worthy than our own. But what if we already had everything we needed, to be able to answer these questions? What if there were a higher aspect of you that already knew exactly how to guide you on this journey? In this blog I’ll be explaining what spiritual guidance is, how you can access it, and show you how it can benefit your life. 

What Is Spiritual Guidance? 

Spiritual guidance allows us to access wisdom beyond the ego, from a higher perspective or presence. Modern life can leave us feeling overwhelmed with options, and out of touch with our hearts. When we learn that there is guidance available from within, whenever we need it, we can begin to feel safe in the certainty that our inner being knows the way.

Once we learn to trust the connection we forge with our spirit guides, we will begin to feel more empowered in our life, feel connected with our hearts, experience more ease and flow, have better relationships, and live life with more compassion. Connecting with our spiritual guides can improve our lives in so many ways, bringing us closer to knowing ourselves fully. 

Forms Of Spiritual Guidance

Spirit guidance can reach us in many different ways. It will be different for each person, but here are a few of the more common examples:

  • Dreams - spirit loves to connect with us through our dreams; could these visions hold powerful messages for us to tap into, and use as guidance in our lives?

  • Spirit guides - there are many types of spirit guides, including spirit animals, angels and guardian angels, ancestors such as family members, ascended masters, Gods and Goddesses, and elemental guides.

  • Spiritual teachers - whether it be in the form of a book, course, or in-person session, a spiritual teacher guides us back towards our natural state of love.

How We Experience Spiritual Guidance

When we get quiet enough to notice, there are many ways that spiritual guidance may come into our lives. Here are some of the ways that you may have already experienced spiritual guidance in your life:

Intuition or inner knowing

Our intuition is our higher self communicating to us. When we slow down, we are able to hear the whispers and nudges from our higher self/spirit. Our job is to connect with these messages and begin to trust ourselves. 


Meditation and visualisation is a wonderful way to quiet the mind and assist us in receiving clarity and guidance from our guides and higher self. If you’ve had thoughts drop in during meditation, this is almost certainly guidance from spirit. 

White feathers

It is said that when we see a white feather, spirit is trying to get our attention. When you spot one, tune into the message that is trying to be conveyed from your higher self. 


When we notice patterns of things such as numbers, or repeating situations, this is communication from higher beings. Allow them to guide you towards what is meant for you. 

Steps To Connect With Your Spirit Guides

If you feel drawn to connect to your spirit guides, follow these 10 steps to open up the path of connection:

Step 1: Ask for guidance

Spirit guides are always around us, and all we need to do is ask for help. It can be easy to forget when life is busy, but get into the habit of asking, and you shall receive. 

Step 2: Slow down 

To give us the best possible chance to connect with guidance from spirit beings and our higher self, we need to slow down, and lose the distractions. Slowness is the way we create space to receive higher wisdom. When we are present, we can listen. 

Step 3: Raise your vibration

Align yourself with the high vibratory energy of spirit guides. Invite more joy into your life, spend time in grounding nature, eat wholesome foods; become more in touch with your soul and the vibration of love.

Step 4: Listen to yourself

Listen to the whispers and nudges from your own intuition. Notice any thoughts, words, or feelings during your day, without passing judgement. What could these be communicating to you?

Step 5: Meditate

Meditation is the perfect spiritual practice to quieten the mind and nurture your connection to higher wisdom. Practice getting your mind quiet and notice any thoughts and realisations that drop in. 

Step 6: Ask questions

Nurture that connection with your spirit guides. If you feel drawn to, you could ask them questions such as:

‘Who am I connecting with?’

‘Where are you from?’

‘How many spirit guides do I have?’

‘What do you wish me to be aware of?’

Step 7: Journal

As you put pen to paper, you may be surprised by the thoughts and realisations you uncover. Allow messages from your higher self and consciousness to pour out onto the paper. It may take practice to feel comfortable but don’t hold back; this private space is yours alone. 

Step 8: Connect to your inner child

As children, our energy was lighter and this meant that we could be vibrationally closer to the spirit world. Spend time embracing a more child-like joy, and create a space that will match the vibration of spirit guides. 

Step 9: Practice gratitude

Let your guides know that you are grateful for their presence, even if you feel you’ve not yet felt a connection. You may like to do this verbally, or by writing it down in a journal. 

Step 10: Trust in yourself

You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. Know that you are always loved and protected, and that the more you are able to trust in yourself, the smoother your journey of calling in guidance will be.

Supporting You On Your Spiritual Guidance Journey

As you learn to connect to your spiritual self, you may find it helpful to have some spiritual coaching. Our spiritual coaching services, channelled by Archangel Michael, are here to support you on a deeper level. Get in touch today to find out more.


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