What Does It Mean to Dream About Someone?

Dream analysts believe that if a specific person appears in your dreams, it’s for a reason. Pay attention to the people you dream about - they reveal hidden messages about your life and relationships.

There are eight main categories of people who appear in dreams. Below you’ll learn about each type and the corresponding dream interpretations.

A happy couple laying down together

What are dreams?

Dreams are a series of images and events that you experience in your mind while asleep. They most often occur during the REM phase of the sleep cycle.

The reason why we dream continues to elude most scientists. Some believe dreams are simply the result of our brains clearing out “trash” from the day. Others hypothesize that dreams exist to help us process intense emotions. 

Ancient cultures viewed dreams as sacred messages - communications from the gods and the deceased. While more recent psychological theories propose that dreams symbolically reflect the thoughts and feelings of the subconscious mind.

A woman sleeping in her bed and dreaming about someone

What does it mean when we dream about someone?

People often wonder if dreaming of someone means that they are thinking of you. Telepathy can occur in intense spiritual connections; however, dreams mostly exist to show you your inner world and thoughts, not someone else’s. Therefore, even dreams about other people usually show us important messages about ourselves.

Here are the eight main types of people who appear in dreams and the messages each person brings you.

Dream meaning #1: Dreaming about a family member

It is very common for family members to appear in dreams since these people have been imprinted in your subconscious mind since childhood. Consider your relationship with the family member you dreamed about and what they represent to you.

Dreams about someone else in your family often symbolize wounds you developed in childhood, such as feeling lonely or abandoned. Therefore, this dream may reflect deeper healing work you need to do.

Dream meaning #2: Dreaming about someone who has died

People who are grieving often dream about someone deceased. This dream usually brings a message of comfort and a reminder that you are not alone.

Dreaming about someone who has died can be very healing and will often bring you a deep sense of peace.

On the other hand, dreaming about someone dying in a dream conveys a very different message. Dreams about death usually indicate that significant growth is coming and your life is about to change. 

To progress on your spiritual journey, you must experience a symbolic end of your old self. Use this dream to help you see how old beliefs are holding you back.

A woman sleeping in her bed and dreaming about someone deceased

Dream meaning #3: Dreaming about someone you like

Seeing someone you are attracted to or infatuated with is a very common dream, especially since crushes tend to be on our minds a lot throughout the day.

If you felt confident and empowered during the dream, then this is a sign that you are experiencing complete self-acceptance. If they are the right person for you, they will sense your inner wholeness and be magnetized to that energy.

However, if you felt embarrassed or rejected during the dream, this is a sign of your inner fears and doubts. Use this dream to take note of where you need to do inner healing work. The more you learn to love yourself, the less power rejection will have over you.

Dream meaning #4: Dreaming about an ex

Dreaming about someone you used to date can be disconcerting for many people, especially if you are now with someone new. However, dreams about an ex don’t necessarily mean that you miss them or want to get back together. 

Often, this dream shows you unresolved issues that you have. Think about what your ex represents to you and see this dream as an opportunity to recall any energy you gave them.

A woman laying in her bed and dreaming

Dream meaning #5: Dreaming about an acquaintance

Acquaintances in dreams are often projections of the parts of yourself that you haven’t realized are there. 

Maybe you have undiscovered talents, and it’s time for you to embody them. Alternatively, maybe qualities such as jealousy or resentment are currently blocking your true self from shining through.

Dream meaning #6: Dreaming about someone from high school

When you dream about people you went to high school with, you are often shown your past self. 

This dream may indicate that you are feeling similar to how you felt in high school in your current waking life. Alternatively, it may be showing you how far you’ve come.

A woman sleeping next to her dog

Dream meaning #7: Dreaming about a famous person

Seeing a famous person in your dreams may reveal a desire to be “seen” more in your life. This desire could involve being in the public eye, or it may simply call for feeling appreciated and understood more in your personal life. 

This dream indicates that it’s time for you to embrace who you truly are and be your authentic self in the world and your relationships.

Dream meaning #8: Dreaming about someone you don’t know

Sometimes, your brain will create “characters” in your dreams who are people you don’t know at all in real life. 

Remember that these people represent parts of yourself so consider how they behaved in the dream and how they made you feel.

A man dreaming about someone

How to interpret your dreams yourself 

Make sure you always use your intuition when interpreting dreams about people. If one of the dream meanings above doesn’t feel “right” to you, then it may be that your specific dream held a different message that only you could know.

Dreams are a powerful source of spiritual guidance; however, if you are looking for more guidance in your waking hours, too, we are here to help you. Check out our spiritual coaching services here to find out how you can manifest your goals with more ease and alignment than ever before.


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Gareth Michael

Gareth Michael is a spiritual coach, teacher, channel of Michael, and author of the best-selling book Ever-changing Perspectives. He provides tangible, practical spiritual support stemming from his own life lessons and Michael’s profound wisdom and teachings. His personalized guidance helps people heal, find their spiritual direction, and understand their purpose. Follow Gareth on Instagram and listen to his podcast, Practical Spirituality.


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