How To Raise Your Vibration

Have you noticed everyone seems to be talking about vibrations or “vibes” lately? It may even be something popular in your vocabulary. The word tends to pop up in everyday conversations, such as “What's the vibe like at the get-together?”, as a way to describe someone, “They have such great vibes!” or even as a way of sending  someone well wishes, “Sending good vibes your way.” 

But do you understand the true meaning of vibrations? In this article, we will break down what vibrations are, how to raise your vibrations, and how to feel good by harnessing positive energy.

How To Raise Your Vibration

All life forces, every person—including you—places, and things offer different vibrational energies, and they each operate with a distinct, unique vibration. 

On one side is a high vibrational, positive energy field. This is when things feel good, feel light, and fun. It is a pure form of vibration, which can be increased however you feel and need it to. 

Oppositely, there is what is considered negative energy or low vibrations, which can feel dense and heavy and is closely connected to difficult emotions and experiences like grief, sorrow, or frustration. 

To tune into a higher vibration frequency and raise your vibes, it asks you to turn inward to develop a keen sense of self-awareness through thoughts and feelings.

It invites you to listen to your emotions and notice when you are thinking negative thoughts or riding a low vibe, such as jealousy or anger and taking the steps (discussed below) to tangibly raise your frequency and shift into a new, high vibrational state toward peacefulness, gratitude, and joy.

You may be interested in reading my article 8 Signs of Repressed Childhood Trauma in Adults to help identify unresolved trauma you are experiencing.

What are spiritual vibrations?

Everything in our world, including ourselves, is composed of energy. 

Well, we are technically all composed of atoms that are all different energetic waves, and each atom gives off and absorbs light and energy, all offering their own frequency or vibes. 

This means by harnessing our spiritual vibrations, we can control and shift that energy to cultivate a life that helps us feel happier, more satisfied, and connected to serving a bigger purpose

Regardless of how sensitive you feel you are or are not, the body holds onto and feels various emotions throughout each day. They are passed on and processed by both the soul and heart, and your ultimate reaction is connected to your vibrations and the vibe you give off to other people and energies. 

Like the law of attraction, when you give out good vibes, you will receive them back. So, when the mind, body, and soul live in joyful harmony, it supports this goal, all led by your different decisions, emotions, and actions.

What does it mean when your vibrations are low? 

Life is all about seasons. We cannot always be in an entirely high vibration every day, all the time. However, you may be trapped in low vibrations if your energy is off and life is not going your way. If you notice you have low vibes, this is a good sign that you are actually more in tune with your needs than you may even realize. 

Here are some reasons why you may be experiencing low vibrations: 

Feeling Stuck  

If you are feeling lost and trapped or stuck in one place and unsure about which direction to go, it could be low vibes.  When you’re stuck and not moving forward with your life goals, following your internal compass or gut can be challenging.

Being Full of Regrets 

If you are stuck in the past, regretting things that you’ve done or said wrongly in the past, this may be guilt and can be holding you back, a manifestation of a low vibration. Lean into forgiveness, and see how that goes. 

Gossip and Jealousy

Gossiping may seem harmless, but it’s connected to jealousy and envy, which are both considered seriously low vibrational entities. They are bringing you down and can hold back your vibes from going up. 

No Self-Confidence 

When you constantly doubt your ability to do things, this is a sign your vibes are very low. Try something new, and give in to that nagging self-doubt.

A Disregard for Feedback 

Constructive, helpful feedback is accepted with open arms and hearts by people riding on high vibes. Conversely, people experiencing low vibes tend to disregard feedback and seriously dislike being told anything imperfect about them.  

A lot happens when you're experiencing low vibes, including: 

  • You struggle with what you desire out of your life.

  • You make unhelpful choices and self-sabotage.

  • You find it difficult to see any wonders in life.

  • You always feel unsatisfied and ungrateful. 

  • You are very reactive and emotionally distant.

How do you raise your vibration?

There are many ways to raise your frequency and, therefore, raise your vibes.

Connect To Nature 

Spend time in fresh air connecting to the lush trees, swimming in the ocean, touching the grass, and hiking the mountains. Connecting to nature will help you feel at home as you recharge in mother nature’s cradle. 

Practice Gratitude 

Gratitude is a powerful thing, and you should not ignore it. When you focus on the good, the good gets better! Spend time actively counting your blessings every day, and you’ll notice you feel lighter and have more positive thoughts.

Intentionally Unplug 

Have you checked your screen time recently? Try cutting it in half for next week and see how you feel. Turning off devices and enjoying a digital detox can be very useful. Meditation retreats are a great way to unplug and tap into your true self.

Move Your Body 

Pick an activity that gets your body moving—anything that feels good. Get up, move your body, feel your heartbeat, and connect to just feeling alive and excited to experience movement. 


Actively pursuing raising your vibrations is a worthwhile endeavor, offering deep satisfaction and profound joy. Need a little push in the right direction? Let me, Gareth Michael, support your spiritual journey with my one-to-one spiritual life coaching.

I look forward to harnessing positive energy together!


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