Fate vs. Freewill: How Can You Fulfill Your Life's Purpose?

Have you ever wondered if your life is meant to go a certain way, or if you’re the one in control of where it leads? The long-standing debate between fate and free will can touch on every part of our lives - from career choices to relationships to finding your true purpose. But, how do we find our true purpose, is this down to fate or free will, and how much control do we have over what this looks like?

In this article, Gareth Michael combines his expertise in philosophy, psychology, and coaching to explore the balance between free will versus fate. He’ll help you align your choices with your true purpose, whether you believe it’s already set in stone, or something you create along the way.

If you’re ready to take action and find your true path, this article will help you to understand more about the fate versus free will debate, and guide you towards creating your most fulfilling life.

Looking for more ways to discover your life’s purpose? Check out What Should I Do with My Life? – Questions to Find Your Purpose.

What is Fate?

Fate is the idea that certain things in our lives are meant to happen, regardless of what we do. Many people believe that some aspects of our lives are already decided by a higher power or the Universe, and we simply follow along. Fate suggests that there are things in our lives that are beyond our control, which will lead us to a particular destiny.

Examples of Fate

Here are some examples of how fate may show up in your life:

1. Meeting the right person at the right time

Perhaps you’ve met someone before by chance and they’ve ended up being just what you’ve needed at that exact time. Some connections can feel like they were meant to happen at the perfect time.

2. Life-changing events

Sometimes, big events, such as an accident or an unexpected opportunity, can completely change your direction. They might seem random, but they often lead to changes that whilst you didn’t see coming, now feel like they were meant to be.

3. Having a gut feeling

Sometimes, we can get a strong feeling about something, such as taking a different route home or feeling compelled to call a friend out of the blue, and it ends up being exactly what you needed in that moment. This can feel like fate, nudging you toward the right choice, even if you don’t know why.

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What is Free Will?

Free will is the belief that we have the power to make our own choices, instead of this being controlled by something outside of us. It means having the freedom to act based on our own thoughts and desires, without being influenced in a particular direction. Free will gives us the ability to decide how to live and what to do, rather than having everything predetermined.

Examples of ‘free will’

1. Choosing your career

When you choose a job or decide what to study, this is a free will example. You make the choice based on what you enjoy, what you're good at, and what you want for your future, not because it’s already decided for you.

2. Making daily choices

Whether it's picking what to have for breakfast, choosing which way to go to work, or deciding what to do in your free time, these are all examples of daily choices we make using free will. These choices are yours to make without feeling compelled to do things differently.

3. Starting or ending relationships

Choosing to begin a new relationship or end an existing one is an example of using free will. You make the decision based on your feelings and values, not because of pressure from others.

What is The Difference?

Many people find the concepts confusing and wonder what is fate vs free will. When it comes to free will vs fate, there are different aspects here that determine how we make choices in life. While free will says that we have the ability to make independent decisions, fate suggests that events and outcomes are predetermined and beyond our control.

Here are some fate vs free will examples:

Free Will Fate
Control You control your choices Your choices are controlled by something outside of you
Decision Making You make decisions based on your values and desires Things happen because they are meant to
Responsibility You are responsible for your actions The things that happen feel beyond your control
Your Life Path You create your life path Your path is already set for you

Can Fate and Free Will Co-Exist?

Fate and free will seem like opposites. Fate suggests everything is already decided, while free will says we can choose what happens. But can they exist together?

Some people believe they can and this viewpoint is called compatibilism. This idea says that even if a future event is influenced by something in the past that was considered ‘fate’, we can still make choices. Our choices might be shaped by what is happening in that moment, but we are still free to act based on our own desires and thinking.

Another way they could coexist is by thinking of fate as setting big events in our lives, while free will decides how we react. Fate might write our story, but how we face each situation is up to us. We can choose our responses, even if the situation itself is predetermined.

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Some believe in eternalism, which says that time is already fixed. In this view, the future is already set, but we still experience life as if we are making choices in the present. This might feel like our lives are already planned out, but we still feel a sense of freedom in each moment.

Whether fate and free will can coexist depends on our own perspective. Some people think they can work together, while others feel that if the future is fated, free will must be an illusion.

How Can Fate and Free Will Help You Fulfill Your Life Purpose?

Our life purpose can be shaped by both fate and free will. While fate suggests our purpose is already mapped out, free will gives us the power to create our own path. Both can either support or hinder our journey toward finding fulfillment.

If you believe in fate, you might feel that your purpose is already decided. The phrase ‘Everything happens for a reason’ can bring comfort when life feels challenging. For example, losing a job might seem like a setback, but from a different perspective, it could be guiding you toward a more aligned path.

Free will on the other hand lets you shape your purpose by making choices that reflect your values and passions. It gives you the freedom to choose new things until you find what feels right.

The tension between fate and control can shape our experiences. In trying to control everything, we might miss the deeper lessons that life offers.

As Gareth Michael discusses in his podcast episode called “Your Sacred Contract”:

If we hadn’t known that those things were part of our contract… we automatically would have gone into a very human mode of wanting to control or try to stop it, which would have resulted in us not actually going through those experiences.”

Fate and free will can complement each other when it comes to helping you find your purpose. Fate might provide opportunities or challenges, but it’s your free will that determines how you act on them. You might feel drawn to a particular path, but ultimately it’s your choices that guide you forward.

Feel stuck or uncertain about your path? Learn more in What To Do When You Feel Lost.

Learn More About LIfe Purpose with Gareth Michael

Finding and fulfilling your life purpose is a journey shaped by both fate and free will. Whether you believe your purpose is already mapped out or you feel it's something you create through your choices, understanding this balance can help you move forward. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to whether fate, free will or a combination of both coexist - it’s a personal perspective and this can guide you in making choices that feel right for you.

To continue your journey, dive deeper into the conversation with Gareth Michael. His podcast offers valuable insights on finding purpose, navigating life’s challenges, and living authentically. Listen to the full podcast episode below, and discover more ways to align your actions with your true calling.

You can also listen to Practical Spirituality on all major platforms:

Gareth Michael

Gareth Michael is a spiritual coach, teacher, channel of Michael, and author of the best-selling book Ever-changing Perspectives. He provides tangible, practical spiritual support stemming from his own life lessons and Michael’s profound wisdom and teachings. His personalized guidance helps people heal, find their spiritual direction, and understand their purpose. Follow Gareth on Instagram and listen to his podcast, Practical Spirituality.


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