Welcome to the Gareth Michael spirituality blog page.
Is It Fake To Act Differently Around Different People?
Have you found yourself wondering why you act differently around different people? Learn more about personality changes in this blog!
Let Go of Control: How to Learn the Art of Surrender
Wondering how to let go of control? Learn more about the art of surrender and find trust in the universe with Gareth Michael.
Why Is It So Hard to Let Go?
Struggling to let go? Find out why it is so hard to let go and how you can learn to move on with Gareth Michael’s spiritual tips.
Are You A Genuine Person? (Practical Steps To Become More Authentic)
Are you a genuine person, or do you find yourself faking it? Gareth Michael provides insights into authenticity and how to become genuine and authentic.
How To Control Your Emotions
Struggling to control your emotions? Gareth Michael offers actionable tips for controlling and accepting your emotions through spiritual practices.
What To Do When You Feel Lost — Gareth Michael
Many of us don’t know what to do when we feel lost, leading to unproductive spirals and crises. Learn how to overcome feelings of being lost here.
What Is Ego? 5 Steps to Free Yourself From It — Gareth Michael
Your ego protects you in life. It is a part of you and your sense of self and identity. Read this guide to find out more about your ego.
What Should I Do with My Life? - Questions to Find Your Purpose
Explore essential questions to guide your inner journey and uncover your true calling on the Gareth Michael blog today!
Benefits of Journaling
Dive into its mental, emotional, and cognitive benefits, and discover how putting pen to paper can elevate your well-being.
How To Make A Vision Board
Learn to create a vision board with our comprehensive guide and transform your dreams into reality with the help of Gareth Michael’s spiritual coaching today.
Boosting Your Self-esteem
‘Self-esteem’ is a phrase you’ll hear quite a lot, but what is self-esteem, how does it affect you, and what triggers low self-esteem? Learn more here.
How To Discover Your True Passion In Life
Struggling to find a fulfilling life path? Learn how to find your passion in life through spiritual practices on the Gareth Michael blog!
The Beginners Guide to Life Mantras
What principles do you live your life by? Learn more about life mantras, how to form them, and how to stick to them in our latest blog post!
The Law of Detachment
The law of detachment is an incredibly important life lesson, but how much do you know about its teachings? Learn more here.
Guide on How to do Shadow Work
Shadow work is a form of light work that helps you to find peace. Learn how to do shadow work and more on the Gareth Michael blog!
10 Best Tips to Gain Confidence and Boost Self-Esteem
There are many ways you can build self-confidence. Read this guide to find out how to gain confidence in yourself.
What is Consciousness? Explanations and Theories
Consciousness is a complicated topic but can be defined as the awareness of yourself and the world around you. Read this article to find out more.
How to be Vulnerable and Start Living Authentically
Vulnerability is being open and having the ability to show your true authentic self. Read this guide on how to be vulnerable and live a fulfilling life.
The Top 11 Most Common Life Goals & Examples — Gareth Michael
Life is unpredictable. You can have a rough outline of what you want, but life's always going to have some surprises for you. It's all good! At the same time, life goals are important means to guide your life. If you're smart about setting goals in life, you can both enjoy the ride of life while still building a life you’re proud of.
Self-Awareness - Everything You Need to Know
Are you looking to be happier? Do you want to have more influence and be a better decision-maker? Do you have dreams of being a great leader? If you answered yes to any of the following questions, you need self-awareness.
A spirituality blog shares deep insight into the spiritual journey. Written by those familiar with spiritual practice and spiritual life, a spiritual blog will help to guide you on your personal development journey.
The spiritual awakening journey can be a confusing one, so spirituality blogs can help to remind you that you’re not alone, and empower you in your spiritual practice.
Spiritual healing blogs cover a wide range of areas including personal growth, god space, and even practical topics such as daily meditation. There are many well known spiritual bloggers offering a mindful word, such as Luminita Saviuc (also known as the Purpose Fairy), and Elizabeth Peru, to name just a few.
The best spiritual blogs find a balance between religion and spirituality, opening our minds to all possibilities, whilst empowering us to choose what feels right for us.